IRNet Membership

The members derive the immense benefit of networking with the Co-professionals in the field in India and also abroad. Besides they also have opportunities for:

    a) As a IRNet member, you’ll have access to exclusive member benefits, some with free or discounted rates. The value for the membership is far more than the cost of membership.
    b) Keeping abreast of experiments and experiences of other professionals in the country.
    c) Participating in International Conferences/ Seminars/ Workshops/ Faculty Development Programmes & Management Development Programmes at concessional fee.
    d) Securing valuable support of experienced professionals in Research Activities.
    e) Having access to opportunities to contribute to professional activities.
    f) Participation in any One of IRNet Conferences at concessional rates.

Add-On Benefits for Life Members

For the convenience of the members individual and also institutional, the annual subscription can be commuted to a life subscription. This life membership entitles the individual members to:

    i. A Photo Identity Card as a Life Member.
    ii. Certificate of life membership issued to life member.

Individual Member:

Membership Fees Indian (Rs.)
Membership Fees Foreigners (USD)
Annual (April-March)
Rs. 2000
50 USD
Life Membership
Rs. 5000
300 USD


Membership Fees Indian (Rs.)
Membership Fees Foreigners (USD)
Annual (April-March)
Rs. 3000
200 USD
Life Membership
Rs. 20,000
500 USD

IRNet-Membership Subscription

Note: Please send us your Membership Form duly filled along with photograph, specimen signature & Payment Details.

Membership Form available at:

Contact Us:

Mrs. Soma Mitras
[email protected]
Mobile No: +91- 7978030110